Chain Reaction at Smith Rocks, OR . Photo: Lindsey Howard

We are based out of South Central Pennsylvania. We love to travel for guiding and climbing throughout the country as well as internationally. Start out climbing with us at your local crags and then broaden your experiences by traveling to new places. We strive to be limitless.


Climbing FUN-damentals

Are you new to climbing? Are you just looking for a great day out with an experienced and certified guide? Are you looking for a “rope-gun” to set up harder climbs and get a lot of pitches in? Want someone to handle the systems, anchoring, and cleaning? Come out for some fun climbing on the rocks.


AMGA CWI Courses

The American Mountain Guide Association Climbing Wall Instructor (CWI) Certification Course is designed for industry professionals. The 20 hour course takes place over 3 days and focuses on developing teaching and technical skills for the indoor/artificial climbing wall instructor. This is a great way to start your career as a professional and a great way to advance your teaching techniques as a veteran instructor. Join a scheduled course or contact us to Host a course at your facility.

Group Outings

If you have a group and you’re looking for a great bonding experience, individual and group challenges, and time spent in the outdoors with your people, then this is for you. Schools, outing clubs, camps, businesses, sports teams, etc. We customomize rates according to the size of the group and location.

Multi-Pitch Climbing

Multi-Pitch Climbing is for those climbers that have experienced Single Pitch terrain and want to continue to take their skills up bigger walls. Whether you’re starting out as a newer traditional climber or wanting to advance your skills as an experienced climber, we’ll help guide you to that next pitch and level. These outings usually have a ratio of 1 instructor to 1/2 guests.


Instructor Trainings

We offer trainings and workshops for our industry partners. This is focused on businesses and institutions that have a climbing wall/gym, outdoor education program, summer camp, and guide services seeking assistance with their staff development and trainings. These trainings and clinics help your program reach for the highest standards and prepare your staff for future certification courses such as the AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course and Exam.


AMGA SPI Courses

The American Mountain Guides Association Single Pitch Instructor (SPI) Program teaches climbing instructors to proficiently facilitate and instruct the sport of rock climbing in a single pitch setting. The SPI is the only internationally recognized single pitch climbing instructor certification program in the United States. This is designed for industry professionals looking to advance their skills as instructors and potentially further their education in more AMGA Rock programs.


Sport Climbing

If you’ve top-rope climbed before and are looking to do your first lead climb, looking to take your indoor lead climbing skills to the outdoors, want to improve your mental game on leads, want to learn how to set and clean fixed anchors, and/or if you are an advanced climber that is looking to improve your tactics for sending that next number grade.


Rope Gun for a Day

Whether you’re looking just get a lot of pitches in and want someone else to get the rope up or if you’re motivated to push through the grades to continue improving, we’ve got you covered. We offer coaching on quality movement, tactics for projecting your next route, and coaching on how to get you to that next level.

Self-Rescue Techniques

Learn how to avoid the need for a rescue and handle a self rescue if you’re ever faced with a situation. Work with our instructors to develop your self rescue techniques. We’ll start with the fundamentals and continue to build on skills to give you the confidence to perform a self rescue while out climbing independently.

Traditional Climbing

This is for folks that have top-roped before and want to learn how to build strong natural and gear anchors, lead traditional climbs, gain more knowledge about traditional climbing protection, rappelling techniques, and/or want to build the confidence as well as tactics to push your grades higher on traditional leads.

Adaptive Climbing

We believe that our crags and gyms should be accessible to everyone. Whether it’s your first time climbing or if you’re looking for instructor trainings to support adaptive climbing programs in your gym or program, we can support your goals. We also partner up with our friends at Paradox Sports with the Adaptive Climbing Initiative.



If you’re a fan of staying closer to the ground starting out, want to learn more about where to go bouldering, want to learn how to manage the risks, want to improve your movement skills, learn about projecting tactics, or maybe even learn some basic rope work to try those first ascents or really tall lines, then this is for you.

Coaching and Training

We offer coaching and training for those looking to send that next letter grade or number grade, we work on your mental game, we provide route climbing tactics for success, we provide feedback on techniques as well as improving strengths/weaknesses, and coaching on climbing specific training to meet your goals.


Route Setting

Route setting and wall maintenance are at the foundation of providing a great experience at your facility. We offer route setting clinics for your staff to work safely at heights. We also provide professional route setting for your facility and special events or competitions.

Climbing Wall Consulting

Are you looking to open a facility or build a wall at your home or business? Do you want an experienced climber and designer to work with the engineers and builders to ensure you’re getting a quality facility? Are you looking for advice on facility and risk management? We have been all over the country to see what many of the gyms have done and have built several smaller walls ourselves. Reach out for assistance.

Have questions or want to build a customized day just for you?

Please contact us to create an experience that suits you and your goals. Thank you!