Top of Epinephrine, Red Rock, NV . Photo: Dustin Kampel

Euro Wall at Safe Harbor, PA . Photo: Karuna Sah

Ryan Shipp

Ryan Shipp is from Camp Hill, PA and discovered climbing in 2001 at the age of 21. The first place that he climbed was at Mount Gretna's boulders before the trails were built and the following weekend was spent at the Gunks in NY. From those first days out climbing, the sport has been one of the main driving forces in his life.

Shipp, as his friends refer to him, loves climbing. He has been instructing and guiding for 20 years. He started instructing at climbing gyms, then moved into facilitating adventure travel summer camps in the Pacific Northwest. For the last 16 years, Shipp worked as an adventure education coordinator and teacher for a private school that works with “at-risk” and special education youth in PA. He has guided for many school districts, colleges, universities, and has facilitated staff trainings for businesses in the outdoor industry. Shipp has a vast amount of experience guiding all ages in many environments while doing different activities, but climbing is his specialty.

In 2015, he co-founded South Central Pennsylvania Climbers which is a non-profit volunteer powered climbing advocacy organization. In 2021, he was awarded an Access Fund Climbing Advocate Award for his volunteer efforts in our community. He is the author of the Governor Stable Bouldering Guide and is currently working on a new guidebook for the climbing in the South Mountain Range in PA. In late 2021, Shipp founded Levitation LLC and through this business, he wants to continue to share his passion for climbing, knowledge of the sport, provide incredible life changing experiences, and help others meet their personal goals.

Shipp’s Climbing Credentials: American Mountain Guides Association Climbing Wall Instructor Provider, AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Provider, AMGA Multi-Pitch Instructor, WMA Wilderness First Responder, Route Climbing accomplishments of 5.13 Sport and Traditional Routes, Bouldering accomplishments up to V11, USA Climbing Level 1 Coach, USA Climbing Level 1 Route Setter, Petzl Fixed Anchor Workshop trained, AIARE Avalanche L1 certified, Alpine/Mountaineering experience, Ice Climbing experience, Leave No Trace certified, Backcountry experience, competition climbing, climbing specific training, route setting, coaching, and climbing wall design/construction experience.

Non-climbing specific certifications and guiding experience: ACA Swiftwater Rescue, ACA Whitewater Kayak L4, PSUPA Whitewater SUP L1, PSUPA Flatwater SUP L1, BICP/IMBA Mountain Biking L1, Canoeing, Rafting, Skiing, Snowboarding, Surfing, Skateboarding, and 20 years of teaching adventure/outdoor education.

Sarah Ballard

Equanimity. Evenness. Engaged. Sarah Ballard has been personally strengthened by the practices of yoga, mindfulness, and meditation, so she can mentor, reach-out, teach and live by the values she cherishes.

She teaches full-time at a private school and educates private clients, small groups, Teacher Trainings, and several classes at the private school.

She believes in stepping into your best self every day no matter who you are or what the circumstances. Sarah inspires her students to reach their goals, create powerful and intentional priorities, and embody ease and freedom in the {sometimes} messiness that comes with transformation. How are you living your most awesome life?!

Sarah completed her Masters of Arts in Teaching through the University of the Cumberlands and is a certified children's yoga teacher through Rainbow Kid's Yoga, ChildLight, and Cosmic Kids. Her 200-hr certification is through PranaFlow and she completed her 500-hr yoga certification with Create Karma.